ThursdayNights returned to Capo for a curated gathering of compelling decision-makers for a cocktail reception and the gourmet, Italian-inspired culinary excellence that is Capo!
- WHAT: ThursdayNights Shot Caller Dinner
- WHEN: Thursday, September 12th - 6 PM cocktail/wine reception followed by Dinner
- WHERE: Capo, 1810 Ocean Ave, Santa Monica, CA 90401
- WHO: Shot Callers from PE, VC, and the Founders and CxOs comprising SoCal's Innovation Ecosystem
- This is a fully sponsored, invitation-only event.
- Attendees will make a minimum $100 charitable donation to CARS -
Presented by:

All Proceeds Benefit:ThursdayNights is all about building the community of LA’s Innovation ecosystem, but more importantly about giving back to local, at-risk youth. creates pathways to post-secondary education for underserved high school students and their families through academic enrichment and college literacy. Learn more at: | is a 501 C (6) non-profit organization building a community of the most innovative companies while giving back to at-risk youth in our backyard. Since 2007, ThursdayNights has donated $2M to local kids' causes.